
Head Office in New-York

775 New York Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11203

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We Are More Than Just A Renewable Energy Company

We at KP aspire to bring down the operational costs of the businesses by providing them latest energy solutions and giving their products and services the edge over their competition.

We Are More Than Just A Renewable Energy Company

We at KP aspire to bring down the operational costs of the businesses by providing them latest energy solutions and giving their products and services the edge over their competition.

We Are More Than Just A Renewable Energy Company

We at KP aspire to bring down the operational costs of the businesses by providing them latest energy solutions and giving their products and services the edge over their competition.


KP Middle East LLC

For over 11 years, the KP Group has been building an ecosystem and projects that last. We build safe environments and eco-friendly solutions for the businesses which understand environment and future. Most importantly, we make businesses self-reliant in energy, initially in India and now in Middle East. Whether it is solar, wind or hybrid, we go beyond the horizons to serve our customers.

India's Leading Renewable
Energy Conglemorate

29years of building trust
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    Innovative Solutions

    We thrive continuously to build solutions, which the businesses round the world can really use. Ones which not only show savings in cashflow but also build a better tomorrow.

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    Complete EPCC Solutions

    When you approach KP Middle East LLC you find a one-stop solution for your energy requirements. Whether it is CPP (Capex) or IPP (Opex), we got it covered.

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    Fully & Brilliantly

    Solutions provided are always customized, but we never forget that you as a customer expect some more from us, and we are always ready for the same.

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    Green Earth
    Always in Heart

    Whatever we do, whatever we plan; Green Earth is always at the center of everything. For we believe that greener tomorrow is our obligation to future generation.


Renewable Energy + Infrastructure Development = KP Middle East LLC

Here in Middle East we have introduced ourselves to further develop the region with more renewable energy solutions and maintain strong core values that truly reflect the companys philosophy.

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Our Benevolent Solutions

Our conglomerate has completed 29 years in India and has seen an unbelievable growth previously in Telecom Infra and now moving forward with a tremendous potential in Renewable Energy. The world has started its sprint towards getting freedom from shackles of traditional sources of energy, we are proud that KP Middle East LLC is going to play a major role in same. Back in India we personally have taken the humongous task to commission 1000 MW of solar for our valuable clients by 2025. This will not only help in Govt. of India’s plans, but also will lead to a clean and green energy solution to humanity and to the world.

  • IPP

    Independent Power Producer (IPP) has always been one of the most lucrative non-investment solution since years.

  • CPP

    Captive Power Producer (CPP) is another great solution to the businesses who want to invest and reap greater benefits.


India's Leading Renewable
Energy Conglemorate

900MWs of Experience
  • Unrivalled workmanship
  • Responsive and Respectful
  • Professional and Qualified
  • Personalised solutions
  • Competitive prices
  • Integrated Solutions
  • Performance Measuring
  • Functionally Viable
  • Environmental Sensitivity
  • Urban Context
  • Core Placement
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Problem solving

Our latest Projects in India

In India we have proven our skills and professionalism to commit and deliver the projects as per the requirements of the customers. For we know, theres nothing more than a cherised customer.

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